

Throughout my years as a Feldenkrais practitioner, I have offered workshops designed for a broad audience from various backgrounds and levels of experience. These workshops have taken place in various settings, accommodating different circumstances and interests, and they meet the needs of particular groups with shared characteristics. Some of the workshops are more advanced and are designed specifically for Feldenkrais practitioners

Different types of workshops delivered:

  • Infants’ motor development and accompanying children in a playground. These workshops are aimed at parents.
  • Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method for All Audiences.
  • Presence, Expression, and Performance based on the Feldenkrais Method for Actors, Dancers, and Interdisciplinary Performers.
  • Improving Hip Joint Movement through the Feldenkrais Method for Oriental Dancers.
  • The Feldenkrais Approach for Musical Instrument Teachers.
  • Improvisation Based on the Feldenkrais Method for communities of movers.
  • Tools for Sitting, targeted at Office Workers.
  • The Body of Voice is Based on the Feldenkrais Method and Embodied Voice in Various Formats for Singers, Choirs, and the General Public.
  • Advanced Workshop for Feldenkrais Practitioners in Collaboration with Ohad Nachmani.