
Awareness Through Movement (ATM)

Feldenkrais classes are movement classes practiced in a group with the guidance of a certified Feldenkrais teacher. These classes are called Awareness Through Movement (ATM), and their main aims are to teach you how you can pay attention to yourself while moving, how you regulate your strength in motion, and what strategies can help you improve your action efficiency.

You will discover that I, as your teacher, don’t demonstrate the movements but give participants some verbal instructions, comments, and explanations about them. When I teach an ATM class, I closely observe my group and guide my students without directly correcting them. This way, through a “trial and error” learning process, my students have complete freedom to feel themselves, their comfort, their limits, and their own pace, and thus, choose the best intelligent way to execute their movements. That means that my attitude isn’t about right and wrong but about a continuous progression of improvement.

ATM classes are challenging! You’ll actively seek solutions to difficulties raised during the class and constantly be encouraged to refine your movements and find the best effortless way to move. The unfamiliar postures, gestures, and movement sequences aim to break automatic repetition and provide a unique and original experience in class.

You’ll definitely rest during class! You’ll do that in a neutral position in between movements and thus feel the changes in yourself and have time to assimilate them.

You can attend these classes with no background required, but I warmly recommend that you contact me before joining us in order to discuss your situation with me. If you have a particular interest or if you suffer from chronic pain, I would recommend a series of individual sessions before joining a group.

Continuous practice of ATM classes leads to a general improvement: a greater capacity to move easily, breathe freely, and sleep well.

I give regular ATM classes at my studio, Momentum, in Barcelona, and in Vilafranca del Penedes.

En Barcelona, Momentum

  • Els dimecres a les 19:00
  • Els dijous a les 18:50

En Vilafranca, El Portal

  • Els divendres a les 18:00
Are you interested in getting started? Contact me!