Family and group strategies


My strong interest in movement and education and my experience as a mother of three have inspired me to navigate the intricate processes within families and groups.

When a family expresses concerns about their child, my approach involves actively engaging them in the child’s journey. I ensure the inclusion of parents and, when necessary, siblings. This inclusive approach is essential to prevent obstacles hindering the child’s progress. Additionally, positive changes in one family member can create a ripple effect, influencing and ideally creating space for transformation in others, thereby fostering support for the entire process.

Whether I’m working with a baby struggling to roll/crawl, a child with cerebral palsy, or addressing challenges such as weaning from bedwetting or coping with parents’ separation, my approach consistently revolves around working with the family as a cohesive unit.

In working with the AUPA String Quartet, I’ve found their collaboration to be a fitting example of my approach to group strategy. Initially, they sought advice on incorporating movement into a concert program for children and youth and enhancing movement and stage presence in their performances.

When guiding them as a group, I initiated the process by recognizing and leveraging each member’s strengths, emphasizing the distinctive physical connection between each musician and instrument. Subsequently, I developed individualized plans to explore additional movement possibilities to enhance their group dynamic. Together, we analyzed how these changes not only influenced the physical arrangement of the group but also impacted the sound produced and its relation to the surrounding space.

For further information, contact me!